Hindi months name : India, a land of diverse cultures and traditions, is home to several regional languages, each contributing to the country’s linguistic mosaic. Hindi, one of the most widely spoken languages in India, has its own unique way of measuring time through months. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the intricacies of Hindi months, exploring their names, significance, and cultural relevance. From the agricultural roots to the religious and historical influences, each month in the Hindi calendar carries a rich tapestry of meaning.
हिंदी महीना | अंग्रेजी महीना |
चैत्र | Chaitra |
वैशाख | Vaishakha |
ज्येष्ठ | Jyeshtha |
आषाढ़ | Ashadha |
श्रावण | Shravana |
भाद्रपद | Bhadrapada |
आश्वयुज | Ashwayuja |
कार्तिक | Kartika |
मार्गशीर्ष | Margashirsha |
पौष | Pousha |
माघ | Magha |
फाल्गुन | Phalguna |
English Month | हिंदी महीना |
January | जनवरी |
February | फरवरी |
March | मार्च |
April | अप्रैल |
May | मई |
June | जून |
July | जुलाई |
August | अगस्त |
September | सितंबर |
October | अक्टूबर |
November | नवंबर |
December | दिसंबर |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | मार्च-अप्रैल |
उत्तराधिकारी | वसंत पर्व, होली |
आकाश | नीला, साफ |
तापमान | उच्चतम 35°C, न्यूनतम 15°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | गुलाब, केला, अमरूद, आम |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | अप्रैल-मई |
उत्तराधिकारी | अक्षय तृतीया, बैसाखी |
आकाश | सुनहरा, छायादार |
तापमान | उच्चतम 40°C, न्यूनतम 20°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | बेल, अंगूर, आम, गुड़, अर्जुन |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | मई-जून |
उत्तराधिकारी | वात सावन, अक्षय तृतीया |
आकाश | तापस्वी, शुष्क |
तापमान | उच्चतम 45°C, न्यूनतम 25°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | आम, केला, अदरक, लीची, तरबूज |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | जून-जुलाई |
उत्तराधिकारी | श्रावण, हरि-याली तीज |
आकाश | मेघों का आगमन, बारिश |
तापमान | उच्चतम 40°C, न्यूनतम 25°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | कच्चा आम, जामुन, तिल, कटहल |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | जुलाई-अगस्त |
उत्तराधिकारी | रक्षाबंधन, जन्माष्टमी |
आकाश | गहरे बादल, बारिश |
तापमान | उच्चतम 35°C, न्यूनतम 25°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | जलेबी, गुलाब, लिची, अदरक |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | अगस्त-सितंबर |
उत्तराधिकारी | गणेश चतुर्थी, नवरात्रि |
आकाश | बारिश, चंदनी रातें |
तापमान | उच्चतम 35°C, न्यूनतम 25°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | कदम्ब, पपीहा, सेंदरा, अदरक |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | सितंबर-अक्टूबर |
उत्तराधिकारी | नवरात्रि, दशहरा, दीपावली |
आकाश | सुहावना, सुखद आकाश |
तापमान | उच्चतम 30°C, न्यूनतम 15°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | गुलाब, बेल, शिरीष, अंजीर |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | अक्टूबर-नवंबर |
उत्तराधिकारी | कार्तिक पूर्णिमा, दिवाली |
आकाश | सुहावना, शांत |
तापमान | उच्चतम 25°C, न्यूनतम 10°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | सेंदरा, केला, अंजीर, चीकू |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | नवंबर-दिसंबर |
उत्तराधिकारी | कार्तिक पूर्णिमा, दिवाली |
आकाश | शांत, शीतल |
तापमान | उच्चतम 22°C, न्यूनतम 5°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | गुलाब, गेंदा, अंजीर, शिरीष |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | दिसंबर-जनवरी |
उत्तराधिकारी | क्रिसमस, नए साल का आगमन |
आकाश | शीतल, कोहरा, बारिश |
तापमान | उच्चतम 20°C, न्यूनतम 5°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | गुलाब, गेंदा, अंजीर, शिरीष |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | जनवरी-फरवरी |
उत्तराधिकारी | वसंत पंचमी, माघी पूर्णिमा |
आकाश | सुहावना, शीतल |
तापमान | उच्चतम 22°C, न्यूनतम 5°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | गुलाब, गेंदा, अंजीर, शिरीष |
विशेषताएँ | जानकारी |
महीना | फरवरी-मार्च |
उत्तराधिकारी | होली, महाशिवरात्रि |
आकाश | बारिश, ताजगी |
तापमान | उच्चतम 30°C, न्यूनतम 10°C |
प्रमुख फूल/फल | कृष्णकमल, पारिजात, अंगूर, गुलाब |
Number of Months in a Year | First Month of the Year |
12 | January |
Hindi or Hindu Calendar
Number of Months in a Year | First Month of the Year |
12 | Chaitra (as per Hindu calendar) |
Gregorian Calendar (English Calendar)
Number of Months in a Year | First Month of the Year |
12 | January |
Hindi Months Name: Comparison
Calendar Type | Number of Months | First Month of the Year |
English Calendar | 12 | January |
Hindi or Hindu Calendar | 12 | Chaitra |
Gregorian Calendar | 12 | January |
अंग्रेजी कैलेंडर, जिसे ग्रेगोरी कैलेंडर भी कहा जाता है, की शुरुआत पूरे विश्व में क्रिस्ट के आगमन को आधार बनाकर की गई थी। इसे पोप ग्रेगोरी XIII ने 1582 में शुरू किया था ताकि वैसे ही लंबे समय तक चलने वाले जुलियन कैलेंडर की समस्याओं का समाधान किया जा सके। ग्रेगोरी कैलेंडर को लागू करने का मुख्य उद्देश्य वसंत ऋतु को 21 मार्च पर रखकर सौर वर्ष को अधिष्ठानित करना था।
वर्ष | तिथि |
1582 | 4 अक्टूबर |
1752 | 14 सितंबर |
1900 | स्वीकृति के बाद |
हिंदू कैलेंडर एक लुनर कैलेंडर है और इसमें दो प्रमुख पक्ष होते हैं – शुक्ल पक्ष और कृष्ण पक्ष।
शुक्ल पक्ष (वैशाख – आश्वयुज): शुक्ल पक्ष का आरंभ अमावस्या के दिन होता है और पूरे 15 दिन तक बढ़ता है। इस पक्ष के दौरान चंद्रमा का आकार बढ़ता है, और यह पक्ष समृद्धि, नए आरंभ, और प्रेरणा का प्रतीक है।
कृष्ण पक्ष (कार्तिक – चैत्र): कृष्ण पक्ष अमावस्या के दिन से शुरू होता है और 15 दिनों तक चलता है। इस पक्ष के दौरान चंद्रमा का आकार घटता है, और यह पक्ष विराग, समाप्ति, और विनाश का प्रतीक है।
हिंदू कैलेंडर की एक सारणी:
महीना | शुक्ल पक्ष आरंभ | कृष्ण पक्ष आरंभ |
वैशाख | पूर्णिमा | अमावस्या |
कार्तिक | पूर्णिमा | अमावस्या |
आश्वयुज | पूर्णिमा | अमावस्या |
चैत्र | पूर्णिमा | अमावस्या |
The Hindi calendar, also known as the Vikram Samvat, has a rich historical development rooted in ancient Indian civilization. Its origins can be traced back to the Gupta Empire, specifically during the reign of Emperor Vikramaditya. The Vikram Samvat is named after him, and its establishment is often associated with the legendary event of Vikramaditya defeating the Shakas.
Key Historical Milestones
Period | Event |
~ 57 BCE | Vikramaditya’s victory over the Shakas |
~ 1st century CE | Initial development of the Vikram Samvat |
~ 57 BCE – Present | Continual evolution and adjustments |
The Hindi calendar, over the centuries, underwent several modifications to align with astronomical and cultural considerations. It integrates both lunar and solar cycles, a significant factor in its accuracy and precision.
Influence of Lunar and Solar Cycles
The Hindi calendar is distinctive in its combination of lunar and solar cycles, acknowledging the importance of both in timekeeping. This unique integration contributes to the calendar’s adaptability for religious, agricultural, and cultural purposes.
Lunar Cycles
The lunar calendar aspect of Vikram Samvat is based on the phases of the moon. Each month, or ‘masa,’ begins with the new moon, known as Amavasya. The full moon, or Purnima, marks the completion of the month. This lunar influence is crucial in determining the dates of various Hindu festivals and religious observances.
Lunar Phases in the Hindi Calendar
Phase | Significance |
Amavasya | Beginning of the lunar month |
Purnima | Completion of the lunar month |
Ekadashi | Eleventh day after Amavasya or Purnima |
Solar Cycles
In addition to lunar cycles, the Hindi calendar incorporates solar elements for seasonal alignment. The solar year, or ‘Samvatsara,’ is divided into twelve months, each corresponding to a specific zodiac sign. This integration ensures synchronization with agricultural cycles and helps in planning festivals and activities related to solar events.
Solar Months and Zodiac Signs
Solar Month | Corresponding Zodiac Sign |
Chaitra | Aries |
Vaishakha | Taurus |
Jyeshtha | Gemini |
The combination of lunar and solar influences in the Hindi calendar reflects the profound understanding of timekeeping in ancient Indian culture. This integration continues to shape the lives and celebrations of millions of people, making the Vikram Samvat a unique and culturally significant calendar.
The English calendar divides the year into 12 months, each characterized by distinct weather patterns and natural phenomena. Let’s explore the seasons that correspond to each month in the English calendar.
Months and Corresponding Seasons
Month | Season |
January | Winter |
February | Winter |
March | Spring |
April | Spring |
May | Spring |
June | Summer |
July | Summer |
August | Summer |
September | Autumn/Fall |
October | Autumn/Fall |
November | Autumn/Fall |
December | Winter |
Winter (January, February, December)
Winter in the English calendar spans from December to February. During this season, temperatures drop, and in many regions, snowfall is common. It is a time when people engage in winter sports and festivities.
Winter Activities
Activity | Description |
Skiing | Popular winter sport involving sliding on snow |
Winter Festivals | Celebrations with lights, music, and events |
Fireplace Gatherings | Cozy gatherings around a warm fireplace |
Spring (March, April, May)
Spring marks the transition from winter to summer. The weather becomes milder, and flowers start to bloom. It is a season of renewal and growth.
Spring Characteristics
Characteristic | Description |
Blooming Flowers | Trees and plants start to produce flowers |
Mild Temperatures | Warmer weather compared to winter |
Spring Cleaning | Tradition of cleaning and organizing homes |
Summer (June, July, August)
Summer is the warmest season of the year, characterized by longer days and higher temperatures. It is a time for outdoor activities and vacations.
Summer Pastimes
Activity | Description |
Beach Vacation | Popular destination for sun, sea, and sand |
Barbecues | Outdoor cooking and socializing with friends |
Water Sports | Activities like swimming, kayaking, and water skiing |
Autumn/Fall (September, October, November)
Autumn, also known as fall, is the season of harvest and changing colors. Temperatures start to cool, and leaves on trees change color before falling.
Autumn Harvest
Harvested Crop | Description |
Pumpkins | Used for decorations and making pumpkin pies |
Apples | Commonly harvested for various culinary uses |
Grains | Time for harvesting crops like wheat and oats |
Naming Conventions of Hindi Months
Hindi months, also known as “Maas,” follow a traditional naming convention. The names are often derived from Sanskrit and are deeply rooted in Indian cultural and religious practices. The Hindi calendar is lunisolar, meaning it is based on both the lunar and solar cycles.
Hindi Month | Sanskrit Name | Gregorian Month |
Chaitra | चैत्र | March-April |
Vaishakha | वैशाख | April-May |
Jyeshtha | ज्येष्ठ | May-June |
Ashadha | आषाढ़ | June-July |
Shravana | श्रावण | July-August |
Bhadrapada | भाद्रपद | August-September |
Ashwin | आश्वयुज | September-October |
Kartika | कार्तिक | October-November |
Margashira | मार्गशिर | November-December |
Pausha | पौष | December-January |
Magha | माघ | January-February |
Phalguna | फाल्गुन | February-March |
Lunar vs. Solar Months
The Hindi calendar incorporates both lunar and solar elements, making it a lunisolar calendar. The lunar months, known as “Maas,” are based on the phases of the moon, while the solar months, called “Sankranti,” are based on the sun’s transit through zodiac signs.
Lunar Months (Maas)
The lunar months begin with the new moon and end with the full moon. Each lunar month consists of approximately 29.5 days. The festivals and religious observances in Hinduism often align with specific lunar phases.
Lunar Month | Duration (Days) |
Amavasya | 29-30 |
Pratipada | 29-30 |
Dwitiya | 29-30 |
Tritiya | 29-30 |
Chaturthi | 29-30 |
Panchami | 29-30 |
Shashthi | 29-30 |
Saptami | 29-30 |
Ashtami | 29-30 |
Navami | 29-30 |
Dashami | 29-30 |
Ekadashi | 29-30 |
Dwadashi | 29-30 |
Trayodashi | 29-30 |
Purnima | 29-30 |
Solar Months (Sankranti)
The solar months are defined by the sun’s entry into a zodiac sign. There are 12 solar months in a year, each corresponding to a specific zodiac sign.
Solar Month | Zodiac Sign |
Mesha | Aries |
Vrishabha | Taurus |
Mithuna | Gemini |
Karka | Cancer |
Simha | Leo |
Kanya | Virgo |
Tula | Libra |
Vrishchika | Scorpio |
Dhanu | Sagittarius |
Makara | Capricorn |
Kumbha | Aquarius |
Meena | Pisces |
Hindi Month | Corresponding Gregorian Months | Crop Planting Season | Dominant Crops |
Chaitra | March-April | Pre-monsoon | Wheat, Barley |
Vaishakha | April-May | Pre-monsoon | Rice, Sugarcane |
Jyeshtha | May-June | Monsoon | Cotton, Millets |
Ashadha | June-July | Monsoon | Paddy, Sugarcane |
Shravana | July-August | Monsoon | Millets, Pulses |
Bhadrapada | August-September | Post-monsoon | Oilseeds, Fruits |
Ashwin | September-October | Post-monsoon | Rice, Pulses |
Kartika | October-November | Post-monsoon | Wheat, Barley |
Margashira | November-December | Winter | Wheat, Pulses |
Pausha | December-January | Winter | Vegetables |
Magha | January-February | Winter | Mustard, Fruits |
Phalguna | February-March | Pre-monsoon | Pulses, Vegetables |
Hindi Month | Corresponding Gregorian Months | Harvesting Season | Major Harvests |
Chaitra | March-April | Pre-monsoon | Wheat, Barley |
Vaishakha | April-May | Pre-monsoon | Rice, Sugarcane |
Jyeshtha | May-June | Monsoon | Cotton, Millets |
Ashadha | June-July | Monsoon | Paddy, Sugarcane |
Shravana | July-August | Monsoon | Millets, Pulses |
Bhadrapada | August-September | Post-monsoon | Oilseeds, Fruits |
Ashwin | September-October | Post-monsoon | Rice, Pulses |
Kartika | October-November | Post-monsoon | Wheat, Barley |
Margashira | November-December | Winter | Wheat, Pulses |
Pausha | December-January | Winter | Vegetables |
Magha | January-February | Winter | Mustard, Fruits |
Phalguna | February-March | Pre-monsoon | Pulses, Vegetables |
The alignment of agricultural activities with Hindi months influences traditional farming practices in various ways:
Month | Sanskrit Name | Significant Festivals |
Chaitra | चैत्र | Ram Navami, Hanuman Jayanti |
Vaishakha | वैशाख | Akshaya Tritiya, Buddha Purnima |
Jyeshtha | ज्येष्ठ | Vat Savitri Vrat, Ganga Dussehra |
Ashadha | आषाढ़ | Guru Purnima, Devshayani Ekadashi |
Shravana | श्रावण | Raksha Bandhan, Krishna Janmashtami |
Bhadrapada | भाद्रपद | Ganesh Chaturthi, Anant Chaturdashi |
Ashwin | आश्वयुज | Navaratri, Durga Puja |
Kartika | कार्तिक | Diwali, Govardhan Puja |
Margashirsha | मार्गशीर्ष | Gita Jayanti, Dattatreya Jayanti |
Pausha | पौष | Makar Sankranti, Paush Purnima |
Magha | माघ | Vasant Panchami, Magha Purnima |
Phalguna | फाल्गुन | Holi, Holika Dahan |
Chaitra is the first month of the Hindu calendar, typically spanning from March to April in the Gregorian calendar. It holds immense historical significance as it marks the beginning of the Vedic New Year. The name “Chaitra” is derived from the Sanskrit word “Chaitanya,” meaning energy or vitality.
Aspects | Details |
Origin of the Name | Derived from the Sanskrit word “Chaitanya” |
Historical Context | Marks the Vedic New Year, symbolizing renewal and vitality |
Gregorian Period | March to April |
Chaitra carries cultural and religious importance, especially in North India. It is associated with several festivals and celebrations, including Navratri and Gudi Padwa.
Festivals and Events | Significance |
Navratri | A nine-night festival dedicated to the goddess Durga, symbolizing the victory of good over evil |
Gudi Padwa | Maharashtrian New Year celebration, involving the raising of a Gudi (flag) to mark the beginning of the year |
Vaishakha (वैशाख):
Vaishakha, the second month in the Hindu calendar, falls between April and May. It holds importance in agricultural activities, as it marks the onset of the harvesting season.
Agricultural Practices | Details |
Harvesting | Farmers begin harvesting winter crops like wheat, barley, and mustard |
Festivals | Baisakhi, celebrated predominantly in Punjab, marks the harvest festival |
Religious Observances
Vaishakha is associated with religious events and observances, adding a spiritual dimension to the month.
Religious Observances | Significance |
Akshaya Tritiya | Considered an auspicious day for starting new ventures and making investments |
Buddha Purnima | Commemorates the birth, enlightenment, and death of Gautama Buddha, observed by Buddhists |
Jyeshtha (ज्येष्ठ):
Jyeshtha, falling between May and June, is a month marked by cultural celebrations and festivals.
Cultural Festivals | Details |
Ganga Dussehra | Celebrates the descent of the Ganges River to Earth, observed by Hindus |
Savitri Vrat | Women observe a fast for the well-being and longevity of their husbands |
Historical References
Jyeshtha has historical references that add depth to its significance.
Historical References | Details |
Great War of Mahabharata | Some interpretations suggest that the Mahabharata war began in the Jyeshtha month |
Monsoon and Agricultural Activities
Aspect | Details |
Monsoon Arrival | Onset of the monsoon season, bringing much-needed rainfall for agricultural activities. |
Agricultural Practices | Planting of crops such as rice, millet, and sugarcane. Traditional farming methods in focus. |
Water Conservation Measures | Farmers implement strategies to conserve water for the dry season ahead. |
Festivals and Traditions
Festival | Celebration Highlights |
Ashadha Purnima | Devotees engage in prayers and rituals, celebrating the full moon day of Ashadha. |
Snan Yatra | The ceremonial bath of the deities, a significant event in the Jagannath Puri Rath Yatra. |
Bonalu Festival | Celebrated in South India, honoring the goddess Mahakali with colorful processions and rituals. |
Religious Observances
Practice | Observance Details |
Month of Lord Shiva | Devotees offer prayers, perform Rudra Abhishek, and observe fasts to seek Lord Shiva’s blessings. |
Mondays in Shravana | Special significance attached to Mondays; devotees visit Shiva temples for worship and rituals. |
Kanwar Yatra | Pilgrims carry holy water from the Ganges to offer at Shiva temples, a prominent Shravana ritual. |
Cultural Celebrations
Event | Cultural Highlights |
Raksha Bandhan | Brothers and sisters celebrate the bond of love with the exchange of gifts and the tying of rakhi. |
Jhulan Yatra | Swing festival depicting Lord Krishna’s childhood pastimes, adorned swings in temples and homes. |
Teej Festival | Women celebrate with traditional songs, dances, and fasting, focusing on marital happiness. |
Impact on Agriculture
Agricultural Aspect | Impact and Activities |
Harvesting | Conclusion of the monsoon season, leading to the harvesting of crops sown during the year. |
Storage | Farmers focus on proper storage of harvested grains to ensure a steady supply for the year. |
Preparation for Rabi Season | Planning and preparations for the upcoming Rabi season, including soil preparation and sowing. |
Religious Festivals
Festival | Rituals and Significance |
Ganesh Chaturthi | Commencement of the festival with the installation of Lord Ganesha idols in homes and pandals. |
Anant Chaturdashi | Final day of Ganesh Chaturthi with rituals and immersion of Ganesha idols in water bodies. |
Pitru Paksha | A 16-day period for honoring ancestors through rituals and offerings, crucial in Bhadrapada. |
Navaratri and Durga Puja
Aspect | Information |
Celebration Period | Typically falls in the Ashwin month of the Hindu calendar |
Navaratri Highlights | Nine nights of worship, dance, and cultural events |
Durga Puja Overview | Honoring Goddess Durga with elaborate rituals |
Regional Variations | Varied customs and traditions across different regions |
Harvest Season
Aspect | Information |
Timing | Coincides with the end of the monsoon, symbolizing a bountiful harvest |
Agricultural Festivals | Celebrations like Pongal, Baisakhi, and others marking prosperity |
Rituals and Customs | Offerings and prayers for a fruitful harvest |
Diwali and Other Festivals
Aspect | Information |
Diwali Significance | Festival of lights symbolizing the victory of light over darkness |
Regional Celebrations | Varied customs and events in different parts of the country |
Other Festivals | Events like Govardhan Puja and Bhai Dooj during Kartika |
Spiritual Significance
Aspect | Information |
Kartika in Scriptures | Mention in Hindu scriptures, emphasizing its importance |
Spiritual Practices | Increased devotion, fasting, and meditation during Kartika |
Winter and Agricultural Practices
Aspect | Information |
Seasonal Changes | Transition into winter, impact on agriculture and daily life |
Agricultural Rites | Special practices and rituals related to winter farming |
Winter Festivals | Celebrations and events during the Margashirsha month |
Religious Observances
Aspect | Information |
Festive Observances | Worship and rituals during Margashirsha for spiritual growth |
Pilgrimages and Fairs | Significant pilgrimages and fairs held during this month |
Winter Solstice and Cultural Celebrations:
Aspect | Information |
Winter Solstice Date | Typically occurs around December 21st. |
Cultural Celebrations | Marked by various festivals and events in different cultures. |
Traditional Practices | Lighting bonfires, feasting, and cultural performances. |
Folk Traditions
Aspect | Information |
Folk Rituals | Specific rituals and customs observed by communities during the month of Pausha. |
Art and Music | Traditional folk art forms and music associated with the season. |
Local Celebrations | Unique celebrations varying across regions and communities. |
Makar Sankranti and Harvest Celebrations:
Aspect | Information |
Makar Sankranti Date | Usually falls on January 14th, marking the end of the winter solstice and the beginning of spring. |
Harvest Festivities | Celebrations related to the harvesting season, with special dishes and cultural events. |
Kite Flying Tradition | Popular tradition of flying kites during Makar Sankranti. |
Religious Significance
Aspect | Information |
Religious Rituals | Special prayers, rituals, and ceremonies observed during the month of Magha. |
Temples and Fairs | Pilgrimages to sacred temples and participation in religious fairs. |
Community Worship | Joint worship and community gatherings to seek blessings and prosperity. |
Holi and Other Spring Festivals:
Aspect | Information |
Holi Festival Date | Usually celebrated in March, marking the arrival of spring. |
Colorful Celebrations | Playing with vibrant colors, water balloons, and cultural performances during Holi. |
Other Spring Festivals | Mention of other regional spring festivals celebrated during Phalguna. |
Cultural Practices:
Aspect | Information |
Rituals and Traditions | Specific cultural rituals, dances, and practices observed during Phalguna. |
Symbolic Acts | Use of symbolic elements like bonfires and effigies to represent cultural stories and traditions. |
Community Involvement | The role of communities in organizing and participating in cultural events during Phalguna. |
The Hindi calendar, also known as the Vikram Samvat or Hindu calendar, is a lunar-solar calendar widely used in Northern India. It comprises 12 months, each with its unique significance and cultural importance.
Hindi Month | Tamil Equivalent | Bengali Equivalent | Gujarati Equivalent |
Chaitra | Chittirai | Chaitra | Chaitra |
Vaishakha | Vaikasi | Baisakh | Vaishakh |
Jyeshtha | Jyeshtham | Jaishtho | Jeth |
Ashadha | Aadi | Asharh | Ashadh |
Shravana | Avani | Shraban | Shravan |
Bhadrapada | Purattasi | Bhadra | Bhadarvo |
Ashwin | Aippasi | Ashwin | Aaso |
Kartika | Karthigai | Kartik | Kartak |
Margashirsha | Markazhi | Agrahayan | Magshar |
Pausha | Thai | Poush | Posh |
Magha | Masi | Magh | Magh |
Phalguna | Panguni | Phalgun | Phagun |
The Tamil calendar, also known as the Panchangam, is a solar calendar used predominantly in Tamil Nadu. It follows a 60-year cycle, consisting of 12 months.
Tamil Month | Hindi Equivalent | Bengali Equivalent | Gujarati Equivalent |
Chittirai | Chaitra | Chaitra | Chaitra |
Vaikasi | Vaishakha | Baisakh | Vaishakh |
Jyeshtham | Jyeshtha | Jaishtho | Jeth |
Aadi | Ashadha | Asharh | Ashadh |
Avani | Shravana | Shraban | Shravan |
Purattasi | Bhadrapada | Bhadra | Bhadarvo |
Aippasi | Ashwin | Ashwin | Aaso |
Karthigai | Kartika | Kartik | Kartak |
Margazhi | Margashirsha | Agrahayan | Magshar |
Thai | Pausha | Poush | Posh |
Masi | Magha | Magh | Magh |
Panguni | Phalguna | Phalgun | Phagun |
The Bengali calendar, or Bangla calendar, is a lunisolar calendar used in the Bengal region. It starts from the month of Boishakh.
Bengali Month | Hindi Equivalent | Tamil Equivalent | Gujarati Equivalent |
Baisakh | Vaishakha | Vaikasi | Vaishakh |
Jaishtho | Jyeshtha | Jyeshtham | Jeth |
Asharh | Ashadha | Aadi | Ashadh |
Shraban | Shravana | Avani | Shravan |
Bhadra | Bhadrapada | Purattasi | Bhadarvo |
Ashwin | Ashwin | Aippasi | Aaso |
Kartik | Kartika | Karthigai | Kartak |
Agrahayan | Margashirsha | Markazhi | Magshar |
Poush | Pausha | Thai | Posh |
Magh | Magh | Masi | Magh |
Phalgun | Phalguna | Panguni | Phagun |
Chaitra | Chaitra | Chittirai | Chaitra |
The Gujarati calendar, also known as the Vikram Samvat, is a lunisolar calendar used in Gujarat and some other parts of Western India.
Gujarati Month | Hindi Equivalent | Tamil Equivalent | Bengali Equivalent |
Chaitra | Chaitra | Chittirai | Chaitra |
Vaishakh | Vaishakha | Vaikasi | Vaishakh |
Jeth | Jyeshtha | Jyeshtham | Jeth |
Ashadh | Ashadha | Aadi | Ashadh |
Shravan | Shravana | Avani | Shravan |
Bhadarvo | Bhadrapada | Purattasi | Bhadra |
Aaso | Ashwin | Aippasi | Ashwin |
Kartak | Kartika | Karthigai | Kartik |
Magshar | Margashirsha | Markazhi | Magshar |
Posh | Pausha | Thai | Poush |
Magh | Magha | Masi | Magh |
Phagun | Phalguna | Panguni | Phalgun |
The Hindi calendar, rooted in the cultural, agricultural, and religious practices of the Indian subcontinent, provides a fascinating insight into the tapestry of time as perceived by millions. Its influence extends beyond the realms of tradition, shaping the way people plan their lives, celebrate festivals, and connect with their heritage. This guide serves as a comprehensive resource for anyone seeking to understand the intricate details of the Hindi months, blending history, culture, and spirituality into a harmonious narrative.
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